It’s blog tour week for Wildsmith: Into the Dark Forest, so here are the links to read all the posts! Massive thanks to all these bloggers for their support and reviews, it is so very much appreciated.
Day one was hosted by My Book Corner - thank you so much! Here’s the link to the post about Landscape and Walking in Covid Times.
Day two was hosted by What I Read - thank you so much! Here’s the link to the post about the inspirations behind this series.
Day three was hosted by Jo at the Library Girl and Book Boy blog - thanks so much! Here’s the post about how fostering animals gave me the idea for Rowan’s powers in this new series.
Day four was hosted by My Shelves Are Full - thank you so much! This post is all about the joy of editing!
Day five was hosted by Miss Cleveland Is Reading - thank you so much! This post is all about the magic of illustration, giving a sneak peek of Joe Todd-Stanton’s beautiful artwork for Wildsmith.
Day six was hosted by Helen Byles - thank you so much! You can read the full review here.
Thank you so much to all these hard-working fast-reading bloggers who do so much to champion children’s books!